Brand: Iskra Line
Model: IC18-50-1
50shots in caliber 18mm with the following effect: Alternating Color (Red, green, yellow, purple, blue) Tails to titanium Salute..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC20-10-4
Alternating: Blue tail to blue peony with red strobe; Corolla tail to corolla with green strobe..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC20-10-1
Alternating: Titanium gold tail to gold titanium willow with green strobe; Brocade tail to brocade crown with blue peony..
Brand: Iskra Line
Model: IC18-100-2
3 different gold effect combinations repeating in increasing tempo, with titanium salute finale.Effects:1.) Golden willow tail to golden willow with blue peony2.) Corolla tail to corolla with red strobe3.) Brocade tail to brocade crown with white strobeFinal Salvo:4.) White strobe mine to brocade ta..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC18-100-1
100shots in caliber 18mm with the following effects:
Alternating Color (Red, green, yellow, purple,
blue) Tails to titanium
Brand: Argento
Model: AC20-16-2
Row1: Blue tail to blue and chicken blood red peony; Row2:Red tail to big silver Chrys;Row3: Blue tail to blue and chicken blood red peony; Row4:Red tail to big silver Chrys..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC20-25-1
A. Red tail to golden willow with chicken blood red stars; B. Red tail to blue peony with chicken blood red stars; C. red tail to corolla with chicken blood red stars; D. red tail to white strobe with chicken blood red stars; E. red tail to big silver chrys with chicken blood red ..