Brand: Funke
Model: FM25-PD
Shot tube in caliber 25 mm with the following effects: Spit out 2 paper whirls with tail..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-19
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with red strobe mines with silver moving stars..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-17
Singlerow of 10 shots in caliber 30mm with brocade mines with green moving stars..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-20
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with red strobe mines with purple moving stars..
Brand: Funke
Model: FF-16GF150-MIX
Sortiment aus Goldfontänen mit Farbsternen. Je eine Fontäne in rot, grün, violett und blau, stets kombiniert mit langbrennenden Goldfunken...
Brand: Funke
Model: FRC16-10-M
Roman candles in caliber 16mm, with each 10 shots alternating color (Red, green, purple, yellow, blue) Stars with golden charcoal fountain...