Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-100-3
Compound fireworks with 100 shots in caliber 25mm, with ca. 1260g powder weight, a duration of ca. 45 seconds and the following effects:1.) Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with gold strobe2.) Brocade tail to brocade crown with red strobe3.) Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with ..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC30-25-F3
25shots in caliber 30mm with the following effects:Alternating: 1.) Z -shape:Brocade crown with chicken blood red change to big silver chrys mine to brocade tail to brocade crown with chicken blood red change to big silver chrys stars2.) Z -shape:Brocade crown with blue change to big silver chr..
Brand: Funke
Model: FC25-36-9
36 Schuss Batterie im Kaliber 25mm mit blauem Leuchtspur-Aufstieg zu Goldregen-Buketts mit weissen Blinkspitzen.
Brand: Iskra Line
Model: ICM40-1
40shots in caliber 20/25/30mm with the following effects:1.) Brocade tail to blue change to red peony2.) V-Shape:Brocade tail to blue change to lemon peony;Brocade tail to blue change to purple peony3.) Z-Shape: Brocade tail to blue peony change to corolla4.) Fan-Shape: Brocade tail to blue peony ch..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC30-13-40
Silbercracker-Schweifaufstieg zu langbrennender Silbercracker-Palme, kombiniert mit großem Bukett aus Goldcrackern.
Brand: Funke
Model: FR20GP-A
Die bereits aus dem "Goldfunken"-Sortiment bekannte Hydra-Rakete, sortenrein in der 10er Schachtel. Titangold-Schweifaufstieg zu Titangoldweide mit blauen Verwandlungsspitzen.
Brand: Argento
Model: AC25-38-1
Row 1: Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with white strobe; Row 2-3: Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with gold strobe; Row: 4-6: Brocade tail to brocade crown with green strobe; Row 7: Corolla tail to Corolla with red strobe...
Brand: Iskra Line
Model: SFC43
Showbox with color, strobe and crackling chrysanthemum effects in alternating shapes and almost 1.000g powderweight.Effects:1.) Green tail to Red Green Blue with White Strobe2.) Fan: Red Green Strobe mines&Gold to Chry comets3.) Brocade tail to Brocade crown Red Strobe and Small Chrys4.) Fan: Re..
Brand: Argento
Model: AC25-10-25
Blauer Leuchtspur-Aufstieg zu blauer Päonie mit roten Blütensternen.