Brand: Funke
Model: FC24-100-1
100 shots compound in caliber 24mm.Rapidly shooting silver screeching spinning tails, bursting with loud bangs to big silver chrysanthemum crackling combined with colored peonies in red, green, purple, yellow and blue...
Brand: Funke
Model: FC25-25-9
Hochsteigende Tiefton-Silberheuler mit roter Verwandlungsspitze zu lautstarkem Titanfunken-Salut...
Brand: Funke
Model: FRC16-10-M
Roman candles in caliber 16mm, with each 10 shots alternating color (Red, green, purple, yellow, blue) Stars with golden charcoal fountain...
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-21
Singlerow of 10 shots in caliber 30mm with the following effects:Yellow swimming stars with silver tail mine..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-14S
Singlerow of 10 shots in caliber 30mm with the following effects:Red swimming stars with silver tail mine..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-15S
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with green swimming stars with silver tail mine..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-13S
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with green swimming stars with silver tail mine..
Brand: Funke
Model: FC30-20-21
20 shots cakebox in caliber 30mm with red wave tails burst to red moving comets with silver tail..
Brand: Funke
Model: FC30-20-20
20 shots cakebox in caliber 30mm with purple wave tails burst to purple moving comets with silver tail..
Brand: Funke
Model: FC30-116-2
116shots compound in caliber 30mm with brocade, strobe and color effects, combined with mines and tails, fired in variating angles, with final titanium salute salvo. Effects:1.) White Strobe mine to Brocade tail to white strobe with Brocade crown;2.) Gold strobe mine to Titanium gold tail to go..