Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-100-13
100shots in caliber 25mm with the following effects:1.) Blue and lemon with red strobe mine to blue and lemon peony with red strobe;2.) Golden willow with gold strobe mine to golden willow with gold strobe;3.) A.Blue and chicken blood red with green strobe mine to blue and chicken blood red pe..
Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-36-5
36 Schuss Batterie im Kaliber 25mm mit Gold- und Cracker-Effekten in wechselnder Schussrichtung, immer kombiniert mit pinken Neonsternen, mit doppelter Final-Fächersalve.Effekte:1.) Titangold-Schweifaufstiege zu Titangoldweiden mit Goldblinkern und pinken Neonsternen2.) V-Fächer aus Brokatschweif-Au..
Brand: Albert
Model: AM20-M2
1.) Pink and lemon with big silver chrys mine
2.) Aqua and orange with big silver chrys mine..
Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-100-3
Compound fireworks with 100 shots in caliber 25mm, with ca. 1260g powder weight, a duration of ca. 45 seconds and the following effects:1.) Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with gold strobe2.) Brocade tail to brocade crown with red strobe3.) Gold titanium tail to gold titanium willow with ..
Brand: Albert
Model: AM20-M1
10pcs shottubes with 5 different effects in a colorbox:1.) Silver tail to big silver Chrys2.) Blue tail to Corolla with green strobe3.) Red glittering tail to White strobe4.) Gold tail to golden willow with blue peony5.) Brocade tail to brocade crown with chicken blood red peony..
Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-100-1
100shots in caliber 25mm with the following effects:1.) Gold strobe mine to blue tail to gold strobe with purple and blue peony;2.) Green strobe mine to purple tail to green strobe with yellow and purple peony;3.) Red strobe mine to green tail to red strobe with blue and green peony;4.) A.Red strobe..
Brand: Albert
Model: AC25-76-1
76 shots mixed shape compound in caliber 25mm, with brocade tails to blue stars and brocade palms changing to neon colors.Effects:1.) Brocade tail to blue peony with brocade palm change topurple and lemon tips2.) V-Shape: Brocade tails to blue peonies change to lemon and purple3.) W-Shape: Brocade t..
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 (1 Pages)