Brand: Funke
Model: FM25-PD
Shot tube in caliber 25 mm with the following effects: Spit out 2 paper whirls with tail..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-19
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with red strobe mines with silver moving stars..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-17
Singlerow of 10 shots in caliber 30mm with brocade mines with green moving stars..
Brand: Iskra Line
Model: IC25-33-1
33shots in caliber 25mm. Gold effects with blue and purple stars, with finale of fast paced Z-shapes followed by a salvo of titanium salutes. Effects:1.) Alternating: Blue tail to golden willow with blue peony;Purple tail to Corolla with purple peony2.) Fast Z-Shape: Golden brocade tail to gold..
Brand: Funke
Model: FSR30-10-20
10 shots singlerow in 30mm with red strobe mines with purple moving stars..